
Some software tools that I have been a primary contributor to include:

  • ptutils, a set of utilities for training and validating PyTorch models on GPU and TPU.
  • tnn, a set of utilities for building temporal neural networks with TensorFlow.
  • tfutils, a set of utilities for training and validating TensorFlow models on GPU and TPU.
  • Co-author of GRUV, a package for algorithmic music generation using recurrent neural networks.
  • Author of Poisson loss, Permute, UpSample1D, and UpSample2D layers in the Keras deep learning API.
  • Author of (now defunct) keras-extra package to connect CNN layers with RNN layers in the Keras deep learning API. Initial release: 2015.
  • Author of ranking model for Total Waterpolo, which ranks teams based on strength of schedule and home team advantage. Initial release: 2011.
  • Author of DMG Automounter for Linux. 19,138 downloads as of September 2021. Initial release: 2008.

Course Projects

Some course projects done during my undergraduate and master’s: